Bad advice from grandpa Crossword Clue



Crosswords give us pleasure, chuckles, and tricky situations. When we get a crossword clue like "Grandpa's wrong guidance?", there are lots of potential answers. To help with the solution, here's the explanation of the clue and a selection of possible answers.

Definition of Crossword Clue

A crossword clue is a hint to help the puzzler. It can be a word or phrase, a title, or an anagram. It may include words, parts of words, and letter sounds. It usually offers essential info about the word being solved. For example: "What grandpa says may not always be wise (7)" suggests BAD ADVICE. Clues often have puns, double meanings and other fun word play. The complexity depends on the clue's crypticity, required spaces, and letter-fill-in.

History of Crossword Clue

Crosswords have been around since the early days of newspapers. It is thought the first crossword puzzle was in the New York World newspaper in 1913. Variations include cryptics, anagrams and fill-in. Later versions of crosswords had clues to help with completing the puzzles. Arthur Wynne’s Diamond game was published in The New York World’s Sunday edition on December 21, 1913. This was the origin of crossword puzzles. It had a diamond-shaped grid instead of a rectangular box grid. 20 years later, a British daily published the classic crossword puzzle with clues. ‘Torquemada’, who was really Liverpool based journalist Leonard Dawe, invented over 8-10K cryptic and quick puzzles during his lifetime. The idea of the game was to complete a grid with words or phrases. Players enjoyed solving the logical tasks while having fun and learning something new. That's why they are still popular today!

Bad Advice from Grandpa

Grandpa's intentions were always good. But sometimes his advice wasn't. It's tough to hear Grandpa's advice that seems helpful, but could be bad for you. Let's look at the bad advice Grandpa might have given to your family!

Examples of Bad Advice

When it comes to advice from our dearest ones, we don't always follow it. Grandpa's advice may be out of date or not relevant to today. Usually, they give us guidance based on their life experiences and values. Whilst some of it could be valuable and wise, other times grandpas' advice can prove more harmful than helpful. Examples of bad advice from grandpas:
  • 'Put all your money in one place' – This could mean no diversification of investments. If it fails, you could suffer great losses.
  • 'Never take out a loan' – It's true that there are interest payments but loans can help us reach our goals. With planning, loans can help us afford expensive things.
  • 'Work more and you'll get richer' – More work should mean more earnings. But working too much without rest can lead to burnout. Also, it leaves less time for family life and other areas of life, which are important to achieve success.

Reasons Why Grandpa Gives Bad Advice

Grandpa has lots of life experience, but that doesn't mean his advice is always right. Here're some possible reasons why his advice could be bad, intentionally or not:
  • Times change. Grandpa's advice could be based on old ideas or solutions which are no longer relevant.
  • He may not have all the info available today, making it hard to provide accurate advice.
  • Memory trouble. Grandpa might remember facts wrong or misremember, leading to wrong guidance.
  • Arrogance. Grandpas could be overconfident in their abilities, sounding more authoritative than they really are.
  • Too lenient. Grandpas want what's best for their grandkids, so they could overlook discrepancies even when it isn't beneficial.

Strategies for Dealing with Bad Advice

Lots of folks have to deal with bad advice from grown-up family. Knowing how to react can be tricky. Strategies for dealing with it depend on the situation. But, there are a few common ones. We'll talk about them in this article. Here are some common strategies for dealing with bad advice from grown-up family:
  • Listen to the advice and take it into consideration.
  • Explain why you disagree with the advice.
  • Ask for more information or clarification.
  • Be respectful and polite.
  • Be firm and assertive.
  • Take a break and come back to the conversation.

Analyze the Advice

Who is giving the bad advice? Is it someone you trust? Like a grandparent? Or someone whose opinion doesn't matter to you? Think about why they're giving it. Are they trying to help? Or protect you? Analyze the content too. Is there any truth in it? Or does it go against your own goals? It can be tough when you get negative input, but use it as a learning experience. Whatever you decide, make sure it feels right for you. Figuring out who has our best interests in mind is not easy. We all have different perspectives and experiences that shape our views. But by thinking critically and assessing the source of the advice, you can better decide how to move forward.

Evaluate the Advice

Evaluate the situation. Ask yourself: why do I need this advice? Can it wait? Who gave it to me? Do they know what they're talking about? Consider alternatives – can I find better advice elsewhere? Lastly, decide if following bad advice will have bad consequences. Is there anything that can be done to prevent damage? This will help you decide if bad advice should be taken or not.

Seek a Second Opinion

If you get bad advice from someone, seek another opinion. Confronting someone else can help you see all sides of a problem. Consulting another source can help accuracy and explore options. To find a second opinion:
  1. Ask people you trust, like friends or family, for referrals.
  2. Check reviews online for professionals like lawyers or doctors.
  3. Research providers to narrow down your search.
  4. Ask questions to make sure the advice is in your best interests.


After studying the clues, the answer to the crossword is "OLD SAYINGS". These are phrases from Grandpas and Grandmas that may not be useful in today's world. It could be about tech, dating or anything. Not all advice from our elders is bad. So, be mindful when taking it.

Summary of Bad Advice from Grandpa

Grandpa's advice can seem old-fashioned. But, it can be wise and full of experience. It's important to check if the advice – from Grandpa or someone else – fits with your life and plans. Bad advice from Grandpa can be:
  • Not encouraging you to do what you want
  • Making you stick to gender roles
  • Setting expectations that are too big.
It can also be subtle:
  • Not giving approval or guidance
  • Not supporting you to go to college
  • Stopping you from being with someone you love.
It is essential to make sure you don't miss out on good advice. Ask questions to get an accurate understanding. Listen carefully – Grandpa's stories may give you insight into a future decision.

Final Thoughts on Dealing With Bad Advice

We may love and respect our grandparents, but they didn't live in the same era. Thus, their advice might not be the best. Handle bad advice by telling them you appreciate their input, but things have changed since they made decisions decades ago. Research what advice is recommended today. Sometimes old advice doesn't fit. For example, fashion looks different when it comes back 'in' again. When deciding whether to take advice, think if the person has your best interests at heart. For example, your grandmother might suggest a cheaper brand because she never had access to more expensive brands. Remember, not all old advice was wise and not all new ideas are worth following. Get expert opinions before making major decisions. Listen to those who care about you, but make sure the choice is ultimately yours!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the crossword clue for "Bad advice from grandpa?" A: The crossword clue for "Bad advice from grandpa" is "OLD SAW".
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